Reserve a Room (by Day and Time)

Meeting Space Reservations Info

  • Meeting Rooms are available for reservations Monday through Saturday during the hours the library is open to the public. 
  • Meetings may begin no earlier than 9:30 am and must conclude at least 15 minutes before the library closes, unless approved in advance by the Library Director.  
  • Meeting Rooms, Study Rooms, and Pods at the library are reserved on a first come, first served basis with priority given as follows: library-based programs, City of Meriden departments, and Meriden-based nonprofit organizations.
  • Bookings for meeting rooms must be made at least 3 weeks in advance of the meeting date.
  • Organizations other than library-related or City of Meriden-related should not exceed 12 regular meetings during the year.  Non-library-sponsored organizations will only be allowed to book one meeting per month.   (Change of name of the reserving party does not avoid this restriction.) 
  • Room fees are waived for Not-for-Profit organizations with a legal address in Meriden. 
  • Reserving party is responsible for room set-up, managing audio-visual needs, and clean-up of room (with the exception of trash removal and vacuuming). 
  • Storage of materials before or after the reserved time is prohibited. 
  • When reserving a meeting room, reserving party is responsible for indicating the # of tables and chairs they will need for meeting/event. 
  • Private social events, including but not limited to, wedding, birthday, anniversary, graduation parties, and the like are not permitted. 
  • Non-library-sponsored groups or events shall be required to have a comprehensive general liability insurance policy, with the City of Meriden as an additional name insured. Satisfactory proof of said insurance shall be provided to the library no less than one week in advance of the meeting taking place at the library. If the organization does not have liability insurance, the library suggests they obtain an event policy. Please see City of Meriden insurance requirements in our Meeting Room Policy.  With the exception of Meeting rooms 1, 2, 3, or any combination thereof, the City of Meriden will permit Meriden Not-for-Profit organizations to book library meeting rooms without the certificate of general liability insurance, at the library's discretion. 
  • Not-for-profit organizations whose legal address in Meriden shall pay no fee for the use of the library’s meeting spaces during regular library hours, unless room use is outside of regular library hours.
  • Not-for-profit organizations whose legal address is outside of Meriden shall pay a fee as set forth in Fee Chart below.
  • Organizations claiming not-for-profit status will be required to provide certification from the state of CT or the federal government.
  • All parties may be charged additional fees for use of additional audio-visual equipment, extra cleaning, and for any other costs for services requested by the booking organization and agreed upon by Meriden Public Library.
  • All fees must be paid at least 3 weeks in advance of the booking to the Meriden Public Library, or the reservation will be cancelled or not accepted.  
  • All fees must be paid to Meriden Public Library using cash, check, or electronic fund transfer (EFT) only.  This may be amended by the Library Board of Trustees.  
  • Booking organizations and individuals shall be responsible for payment for any damages caused to the facilities during their use.


Meeting Rooms



Seat Capacity

Half day fee

(3 hours)

Full day fee

(More than 3 hours)

Half day fee for not-for-profit

Full day fee for not- for- profit

Meeting Room 1*







Meeting Room 2*







Meeting Room 3*







Meeting Room 4







Meeting Room 5







Multi-purpose Room 6







Meeting Room 7







Meeting Room 8







*Meeting rooms 1, 2, 3 can be configured into one or two larger rooms.

*For profit organizations’ fees for Rooms 1, 2, 3 in an open format is $200 for half-day and $400 for full-day use.

Returned checks will be subject to a $25 fee and all related bank charges.

Cancellations are required 3 weeks in advance, or prepaid fees will not be refunded.

The fees above apply during the library’s normal operating hours.  Outside these hours, special arrangements may be made, subject to the availability of City staff. Additional "after hours" fees will apply. Click here for our After Hours Fee Chart.

  • Meeting Room reservations may be submitted online via the reservation link located on the Meeting Rooms webpage.
  • The primary applicant contact person must be 21 years of age or older. 
  • Bookings for meeting rooms must be made at least 3 weeks in advance of the meeting date.

Study Rooms and Pods are available on a first come, first served basis, and booked via staff at our Information Desk. Use of Study Rooms or Pods is free.

Room Type
Day & Time