CK-12 Foundation

CK-12 Foundation provides a library of free online textbooks, videos, exercises, flashcards, and real-world applications for 5,000+ math and science concepts in a fun and intuitive way.
Meriden Public Library
105 Miller Street
Meriden, CT 06450
United States
Ready-to-use, hands-on learning plans, worksheets, and activities for kids from Pre-K through 5th grade to do at home or at school.
From Microsoft Office and email, to reading, math, and more— offers more than 200 topics, including more than 2,300 lessons, more than 2,000 videos, and more than 50 interactives and games, completely free.
Find fun and interesting hands-on activities, games, and more for kids and students, grades K-4 and all the way to college.